Hospital again for me

Hi guys, I am still in mental agony. The negative symptoms are very bad and I have been having short episodes of psychotic agitation over the last three to four days. So this morning I am going to be admitted again. I’m going to miss you guys while i’m in hospital. I’m feeling guilty and scared, but I don’t know what else to do, i’m really bad. Whats crazy is that I am taking my full dosage and everything and im still sick. the pills probably stopped working because an alien took over my body. It really crazy - I was admiited Jan 2 last year to hospital now again Jan 2. weird. I’ll be thinking a lot about you guys, thanks for your support!


It’s not your fault so don’t guilt-trip yourself, and I hope that clarity arrives soon. We all have struggles, you’re not alone in this. Let go of the fears, don’t let them trap you. Beliefs are beliefs, but I understand the pain, what it’s like being difficult to put to words.


well I’m glad you are getting the help you need. get well soon !!

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Take good care of yourself. We will be here when you return if you need us and you will be in our thoughts. Best of luck.


Yes, take care of yourself @Hadeda I am sure that you will be feeling better soon - maybe a med adjustment or change is in order

Get well soon. :sunny:

Get well, we’ll miss you.

God bless you and stay strong at least you are getting help

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Something is draining you. I hope you get a chance to build up your strength.

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I wish you the best. Maybe the doctor can put you on med’s that work better.

hey saadiqah,i hope you can get out of the hospital soon and more importantly having clearer thinking and being able to enjoy things,do you think the reason your in hospital because you had stress?i find that stress has cause me to have mental episode…hope you get well soon

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.

I’m glad your getting help.

I know you’ll be back feeling better then before.

I hope you get better soon

feel better saadiqah. hope the hospital is the road to recovery for you and that you feel better there and come back soon!! judy

sending a hug ((((((( )))))) hope you can rest a re cooperatexxxxxxxxxxxx

**Thoughts and much love to you @Hadeda!!
Good for you for taking care of yourself! **