Because i really needed to be. Im glad i came, and i feel like i can breathe knowing im safe for once.
I’m glad @Moon . I am glad that you are feeling better and safe.
Thank you for talking with me sorry about earlier. I was extremely disoriented
NOt a problem at all. Glad to talk to you.
I hope you can get all the help you need.
I’m so happy for you. Who has your dog? You made a great decision!
You made the right decision. Glad your getting help.
I’m so glad you’re getting help. Hope you start mending soon.
Well, they didnt admit me
Hope my fanily sues this hospital if anything happens
Wow. 。°。°。°。°。° are they out of beds?
Hope you r ok
No but i was calm and ahe said with the kinds of patients they have right now i might be triggered more being in there and she kind of pressured me to agree with her tbh
I mean i kept saying idk im confused because my thinking is so chaotic
So wrong - it’s hard enough to be able to voluntarily go. Then they do that.
Yeah im kind of annoyed. But i do feel emotionally stable right now, just depressed, i dont get why i wasnt taken super seriously. She kept talking about all the positives i have going in my life and that ive managed to keep myself safe so far. Guess thats true but i literally said i had a plan with intent and i thought that would have been enough?
Hope you stay stable state.
The best of luck at the hospital. Hope you can be discharged soon.
Dont know how you can turn away someone begging for help in a highly dysregulated and confused state away. But all well. Walking home at 1 amm hope someone does something i guess
Yeah, that doesn’t seem right at all Moon that they turned you away. I’m sorry your time was wasted. I hope you are ok without it. I have been admitted against my will before so I really dont understand their decision.
I am sorry that your time was wasted. Many of us suggested you go.
I dont care. It was just a sign the universe wants me to followntheough