Mood cycling everyday this week!

I’ve been having waves of mania and depression every single day this week.

Racing thoughts, agitation, lots of pacing and depressive dark thoughts mixed together.

It varies from hour to hour in intensity

I see my pdoc next week


I hope you feel better Wave.


Thanks @TheCanuk

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I was also a bit manic tonight.
Some sort of mania.
Didnt feel good.
Now im calmer.

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Good luck with your pdoc.

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I hope you feel better @Wave

I hope you have a good appointment!

Thanks @Aziz 1555

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Maybe your pdoc can give you something to smooth you out.

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Actually I’m hoping for a different AP @crimby
I don’t think that the Risperdal is working as well.
Seems to have lost some of its effectiveness and I don’t want to take an increased dose

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Hope you feel better soon @Wave .:pray:t4:

Risperidone was horrible for me.
Latuda and olanzapine were good.
I’m on latuda and stable now.

Hope you find what works for you.

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Thanks @SacredNeigh7

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I know how it feels, once i was diagnosed with “rapid cycling” and i am a very moody person - hope you find some rest soon

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Thanks @bluebutterfly

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I’m sorry to hear this @Wave. I hope you even out soon.

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Thanks @SkinnyMe
So far today, I’m doing ok


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