Good morning. What are you doing today?

Well I don’t really feel like I necessarily want to be social today but I know it’s for the best so I’m going to go to art class at mental health at least for a few hours after I take my bath this morning. Other than that I’m just going to relax and do some thinking. How about you? What are you doing today?

I’m at work. Nothing going on right now

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I go to the rheumatologist this morning, so have to shower and shave, then maybe to work, things are slow

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Morning leaf! Good job pushing yourself. I hope you have a good time at class!

Today I’m home alone in the morning. Have chores to do today. I’ve been slacking the past few days. Dishes are piled up and my fiancée needs laundry done.

This afternoon I meet my new Pdoc. Maybe get one some new meds, I hope so. Maybe find me something that helps with my off days. Whispers I can live with. The crowd picking on me and a delusion child, are things I want gone. These episodes need to stop.

Wishing you well!

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I’m wishing you much luck at your pdoc appt. What meds are you on now? And what do you think you might like to change to?

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Thank you leaf.

I’m on 3mg risperidone, 200 Zoloft and 150 lamictal. There’s been talk about the invega injection. Or Clozapine.

I’ve tried

Latuda-did nothing
Geodon- worked wonders until it started giving me liver pains
Abilify- sent me manic and gave me horrible insomnia

The risperidone works about 50% decrease in symptoms. But old Pdoc never wanted to raise it. She never even brought up invega or clozapine.

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Well I hope you get some relief today and an honest open conversation. Good luck.

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