Rapid cycling is killing me

I went from feeling elated free and euphoric just a few hours ago at my family dinner and now i would be crying if i could and wishing i was f***ing dead. I cant handle this anymore. My pdoc said call him first week of August for next appt but what the hell am i supposed to do between now and then

Do you need to go into the hospital ER?

I cant. It would f*+ everything up for me

I’m so sorry for you. I know how terrible this can be. Try to avoid going out and being around people during this time.

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Try to get your sleep and eat and drink water. When I was off my meds and going psychotic I avoided food and slept very little and it made things much worse.


I go through that sometimes. Did today actually. Let go of the ego sometimes.

Maybe try a different medication if the one you’re on now isn’t working. Geodon is supposed to be good for bipolar as well as psychosis apparently, for example.

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i also had this RC. i went as far as i could from everyone and after back. i have this severe depression. worst phase of my life. in the midst of everything something like this happens and it spoils life. but after taking meds somewhat feeling ok. but it takes lot of time to get healed or manage this.

I’m an Ultradian Rapid Cycler.
I can be depressed and suicidal one hour and the following hour I could be as high as a kite with Mania!
Are you on a mood stabilizer?
This is a must with Rapid Cycling especially.
I’m on Depakote and it works great but I might need an adjustment soon.


Have you thought about trying lithium orotate?


Eh, geodon didnt work for me

Yeah my pdoc was talking about putting me on depakote but he hasnt done it yet for some reason

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How does that differ from just lithium

Same boat here. Are you dx bipolar alone ? Or schizoaffective

Schizoaffective. : /

I know that feeling. i am also ultradian…

How did you find out for sure? Were you always that way or did your condition change

I was changing moods many times within a day.
it was exhausting for my nerves…
I was hypomanic and then I wanted to day and again hypomanic and then again desperate.


I feel your pain. :cry:

now I am in a terrible condition. I wanna die. i feel desperate for no reason. I cant perform daily activities. I cant describe my depression now.