Mind over matter? Beating the odds?

Anyone heard of ways people proved statistics or medical predictions wrong and used willpower or faith to make a full recovery? I dont think drugs are enough. If they have freak miracles for cancer or ms etc there could be the same for schizophrenia. Too bad docs dont seem to do much research on these select people to see what set them apart from the rest.

Apparently 25% of schizophrenics recover in the way you describe. I’m not in that 25% though.

From webmd :

Myth No. 9: You can never recover from it. Schizophrenia can be hard to treat, but it’s not impossible. With the right medicine and therapy, about 25% of people with this disease will recover completely. Another 50% will see some improvement in their symptoms. Many people with the condition can live full, productive lives.

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A lot of those freak recoveries are not due to miracles. They’re due to misdiagnosis of the original condition. Sure, it probably happens on occasion, but more often than not, it’s misdiagnosis.


Hello @grumpy .
Some people can make a recovery and some can’t.
The capacity to make a recovery depends on:

  1. How severe your illness is;
  2. How good are your baseline genetic parameters;
  3. Do you have a support system.
    And maybe other factors.
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Apart from the John Nash story (which in most was told by friends and family from what I know since Nash himself didn’t remember) I’ve never met or necessarily heard of someone recovering from will power or faith alone. I personally have tried and to some degree still trying to do that but I’m good just making through the day.


i wouldnt say that, people can be diagnosed but they can get better, it doesnt mean they were misdiagnosed but just improved over time with the right kind of help

@Chess24 here are my 3

  1. treatment
  2. support and environment
  3. capacity for recovery

@Sthneed the 3 of these things combine can lead to a good outcome imo,

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I was more referring to this:

But I do think sometimes that sz was misdiagnosed when people say they were only sz for 6 months and have been med free and stable for the last 10 years. I don’t trust that original diagnosis.

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Having faith in getting better helps. It’s like a way to lower ur stress, albeit a bit.


@daydreamer most definitely. It’s a beyond tricky and convoluted thing (as most things I’m afraid :sweat_smile:) but i believe with time and those 3 factors (tweaking the methods based on your situation and what your doc recommends) you’ll at least have the power to live in a way not thought possible. (Do mind the theatrics at the end)


hi butterflyy, As a person of limited faith i try my best and it does help, it keeps me focused/motivated and gives me purpose in my life and direction and its nice to feel loved and special in that way (as a Christian) it also helped me with my grief when my dad and my ex gf died, without that support i would have been at the mercy of that grief, i am much better for it :slight_smile:

@LED i hear what you are saying but it can happen, someone can have a brief psychotic break and completely recover, i try and trust the doctors, maybe more time is needed in this case but it is better to get treatment quickly for a better outcome.


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