Progress, not perfection

That says it all. No one has the perfect recovery. Sometimes life gets easier but most of the time life with schizophrenia is like Sisyfus pushing that rock up to the top of the hill. You reach the top and you think you’re done but the rock rolls back down the hill. My personal belief is that partial recovery from schizophrenia is a reality but I just don’t believe that people ever recover a 100%. I think once you have schizophrenia for a few years that the damage is done and you will never get back to where you were before you got sick.

This is what seems to be true. But it is definitely not hopeless. I’ve seen too many of us achieve incredible accomplishments. I for one, am not giving up, and in my small insignificant way, maybe I can drag a few people up with me.


Well good for you on seeing the positive side, not giving up, and driving to achieve great things even looking to pull others up with you!
There are formally diagnosed schizophrenics who have “fully recovered,” so I believe anything is possible.
People on this forum have mentioned time and time again how sz has helped them learn, grow, and sometimes even grow stronger.
So more power to you on your drive to achieve all that you can! Good for you!