Milk? Sugar? Microplastics? Some tea bags found to shed billions of particles


it would have been nice for the article to mention the top brands to see if they were culprits of using plastic teabags!

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I actually emailed pukka a while back about the content of the teabag lining and it is safe.

PUKKA :+1:

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:exclamation:PG Tips


:exclamation:Twinings ‘heat-sealed’ and ‘string and tag’ ranges

:exclamation:Yorkshire Tea

:exclamation:Lidl own brand

use plastic!

:white_check_mark: Abel & Cole

:white_check_mark: Clipper

:white_check_mark: Pukka Herbs

:white_check_mark: Teapigs

:white_check_mark: Twinings pyramid range

:white_check_mark: Waitrose Duchy range

don’t use plastic!

As of 26th july 2019


thanks !
switching back to Clipper

Thanks for the heads up @firemonkey.

This problem is really bad and prevalent, could be the cause of numerous autoimmune disorders …


Technology will eventually destroy the human race.

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I’m feeling it.

I’d like to think technology is neutral, and the zeitgeist will determine whether it’s used for good or bad, but we just keep making these epic ■■■■-ups that cause massive damage before they’re addressed with a bandage solution.

On that subject, I wonder how quantum computer-powered AI is going to regard us. I feel we won’t even be as important as bugs to them.

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