The neighbors are scaring me. They do low stuff and it makes me wonder how far they will go to destroy me.
Today, I even mused at work that would they kill me. That thought came and went fast though.
I had plenty of time to myself at work today and came up with a theory of why I can’t make myself clear as to what they’re doing. I think it’s because I’m always assuming that they’re doing stuff that all rotten people do. But now I’m thinking that what they do is particular to them.
Last night I was sitting on the couch and reminiscing about my teen years. It dawned on me that a particular incident was a form of power. I can’t remember what it was. I think I was thinking about when I won some confrontation. I thought, yeah, I have a little power too. Because these guys for the past year have been bugging me and manipulating and flat out intimidating and always win.
I mean wouldn’t a normal person try to assert themselves every once in a blue moon? The guy upstairs immediately *ucked with my mind and erased me experience like it never happened. This is how I live, these people don’t care how much they mess with me or when. They do similar stuff all the time. Frankly, that scares me.
I think, how much further will they go to have whatever hold they have on me. They already stamp out any sign of life I show. Is my fate to be the victim of these losers because they think they know what’s good for me and they want me to be this lifeless, dead body who they can use at will for their own personal use? I’ve never experienced stuff like this in my life.
They have no regard for fairness or common decency.