Mental Health Act Assessment

They booked me a holiday for an unknown period of time to get right - in a bed they not know where

Maybe it will be local

They hope it will

I am high priority on the list if that even really means anything when people are screaming down the phone for beds


I have a cousin who considers stays in a psych hospital as a holiday. No need to cook, clean,…

I hope you can make the best out of it.


It may take a day or 2 for a bed to be found


You could be moved anywhere in the Country. My friend got moved to Birmingham from Nottingham and the ward was dangerous (according to him) and he said their was a violent jihadi wannabe on the ward until he was moved.

Are they organising all the transport etc?
I hope they take good care of you you deserve a break

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This is my concern, but they want to keep me local. My mother is sleeping at my flat whilst they find me a bed

My mum said that she will take me instead of an ambulance

Not sure what to expect, as I have kept off the ward for 4 years


Good luck @Joker hope you feel better soon!

I hope you get some help and find some health soon @Joker

best of luck to you! i hope the stay will be ok and will help you.

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I don’t understand what is going on

Told them, and made clear that they do not have a service that can help me

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@Joker So sorry to hear you are not coping very well.
Try not to worry, I know it’s easier said than done.
Really hope you get a bed at a local hospital you are familiar with. It’s very frightening going into hospital and not actually knowing when.

I know you’re still waiting, but that might be because your waiting for a bed locally and that’s a good thing.

Everything will be ok. And I wish you the very best. Hope you get well soon.

Take good care
Nesta x


They’re waiting for a local bed

Nearest one is hundreds of miles away

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Oh dear @Joker . Hope things work themselves out.

Thanks I am not sure they can help me

I have told them they cannot help me yet they go and threaten me with being sectioned if I don’t go voluntarily

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I understand @Joker I would hate being sectioned again. I would defiantly go in voluntarily if I were you.

I told them though I am beyond fixing and to just leave me alone

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The more you say you need help, they won’t help you. When you say you don’t want the help they don’t leave you alone. I’ve been there myself.

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kinda funny but it’s true

What annoys me is I told them without swearing or shouting at them

I was calm and clear yet they send half a dozen people over to my flat