Men are from Mars and women are from Venus

I don’t understand women. Women and men are different. Does anybody have insight with this thread?


I think people are in general different from others around them. Were actually all unique


Every time I think I know something about women or think I have them figured out they do something on purpose to erase both of those.


I think this whole concept is ■■■■■■■■ and promotes the idea that women and men can’t communicate with each other without special skills.

Women are just human beings, @Jake. You can talk to us like anyone else.

I have things in common with other women, and things not in common. I communicate like some men, and not like others.

Think of it less like a divide, and more like each person is a unique individual. And learn to understand each person for her/hisself.


I’m sorry Pandy, I didn’t mean to make you angry.

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Not angry. Passionate.


ok…that’s ok…1515151515

I see heterosexual couples have it so complicated from an outside perspective. As a samesex couple I don’t experience not understanding my spouse and visaversa.

I hope my perspective isn’t offensive.


I still think women and men can get along.

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And it shouldn’t have to be that way. I believe society conditions us to be so.


@Pandy I agree I have seen heterosexual couples that have really healthy relationships. Spend a lot of time together and communicate well. Maybe all relationships depend on finding the right person or work at understanding each other.


I think a man and a woman are made for each other.


Finding the right person that is willing to communicate is definitely a key part.


This is very heteronormative, @Jake.

There are many types of couples that do not fit this description, and they are made for each other, too.


@Jake Sit down with them. Talk only when you need to but by all means listen. Don’t just hear them. Listen…

Show them you care, that you are interested in what they have to say and that you aren’t looking for anything from them. And by all means don’t judge them!

This advice is for ALL people communicating with anyone. You would be surprised how much sense people make if you just sit down with them and listen. :relieved:


i believe women have the good traits that men lack and visa versa. Its like an evolutionary point system. Men are blessed with strength points, very mechanical minds etc. Women are blessed with a more delicate touch and more flexible minds. Diversity in skills promotes survival of the genepool. If everyone were a doctor who would build the houses? that kinda thing. Men are built the way they are so that they can be on the offensive to protect the child (and thus the gene pool) while women are on the defensive to protect the child.


I find all gendered stereotypes to be pretty baseless. Gender is real enough but ultimately it’s a societal construct. It’s not truly binary, neither is sex (what’s in your pants I mean). There’s much more people than you probably think that are somewhere in between or outside of the binary.

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This is archaic and offensive.

There are women who are analytical. Men are plenty sensitive. There are aggressive women, and passive men.

All men aren’t one way, and all women aren’t another way.

And all of this about protecting the child – Are you serious? What about childless people? Do we still have a point for our existence?

Please do not give me some evolutionary biology argument. Those have been debunked by legit scientists over and over.

I find it rather sad, this limited thinking of yours.


@POET is a nice person. I for one (as a woman) studied engineering but I understand what he’s saying. Of course there are exceptions.


I wasn’t commenting on whether or not he was nice. It’s just that this particular set of beliefs is problematic.

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