I like to learn stuff on the banjo that isn’t considered bluegrass. I know a lot of bluegrass on the banjo but I also play classical “Jesu Joy of Man’s Desire” and now I know “lucy in the sky with diamonds” out of a workbook for beatles banjo I have…most excellent. I am on day 3 of not smoking and look forward to saving up money for better instruments. maybe some travel. how’s everybody doing that plays instruments? what have you played lately?
I plink around on guitar once in a while… I like instrumental… I’m trying to learn some of the
Rodrigo Y Gabrielle stuff… I like Spanish or Mariachi stuff more then power chords.
Or I try to do some accompaniment with my sis when she plays her piano.
It’s been a while since I’ve picked up the guitar… school, work, study, girlfriend… but I have to make time if I’m going to get better.
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I am just now getting to where I can play for an extended amount of time on my instruments because of lack of callouses. Now my fingertips are numb and I can play a long time.
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