Meds that predict the conclusion!

I really feel that the negative directional conversation is being muted.

How much ever I try to listen what the other person is saying who tries to make fun of me my ears just goes deaf.

Is this a possibility?

No, this is not how medications work. How are you feeling? A lot of your posts lately make it look like you are losing insight into your illness.



I think I am losing it !

How did you figure out ?

I am like slight off but not saying it out much.

But I am feeling it like in a good way.

Not causing harm to anyone or self.

And highly grandiose

And the main thing is I have myself but this is not me !

I have a job and performing really well !

I used to always smoke while at work plus mastrubate once a week atleast. But now I don’t know who is this person anymore.

Nothing in action as above !

I have no clue.

I can’t even remember what happened yesterday or what I did last Sunday !

All I know is I have surrendered myself to self awareness or consciousness or meds or all at once to the present moment.

Anyways I am not in a bad state or manic. But just the right amount of energy to go along the day and night !

Only I lose my mind when I don’t get enough sleep of 8 hours plus.

Edit: you know while I am typing this I am typing from my corner of the brain where I exists. My view about my old self is almost fading away . I don’t know should I be happy or sad !

Hey wait a second I remember my current state portrayed in a movie .

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