Meds, Meds, Meds, y'alls cure to life

I’m not trying to be rude but there are so many people on this sight that put 110% of the weight of their life on medicine.

These meds will help you, but that’s the thing HELP not solve every single problem you have in life.
If you have alot of time on your hands and have a mental illness you’re harming yourself more than you’re doing good. All this does is isolate yourself and makes you more vulnerable to out side stimulus.

Trust me I’ve been there. But no one, and I mean no one will get better just sitting there analyzing their feelings and experiences waiting for their meds to magically change their life day in and day out.

Alot of the normal things in life become hard to handle when you forget how to handle them and handle yourself because you’re so far in your head.

Yes people will piss you off, yes you’ll get anxious sometimes, yes you’ll feel weird as ■■■■ sometimes it’s part of life. Not every second of life is supposed to be blissful and easy.
Taking a pill and sitting down waiting on a miracle that isnt going to come is truly sad and a waste of life.

Push yourself, swallow self pity and anxious thoughts and get some ■■■■ done. You’re waiting on life to comply to your wants and needs not realizing life passed you by a long long time ago. Take what you know and make something of your life and quit being scared of odd feelings and sensations and noises. The planet is weird and noisy. You aren’t a child.


I don’t take any medication and probably should,

Some people take more medication than they probably need,

But we’re all trying to find a balance that works for us.

Regardless, I think we all know that there is no magic pill and that we have to put in work to feel better.

Do you feel better after your rant?


I always do.


I love the art you painted in regards to position,

It’s a forward note and can be conceived as a reality of voice,

Much love in the deceleration of style,
Like the affirmativty,

Ideas sound real,

A note that needs no signature,
And vanquishes the impending time of mind.

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Your this thought is good for other handicap person, not SZ. Because all feeling comes in mind which is suffered.

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It works fairly well for me and I’m SZ. Meds only provide a foundation, one that I build on through my own actions.


Without meds I would end up in jail or homeless.


It is true that meds will not often solve every single problem you have in life but it is also true that sometimes pushing yourself will not do it either.


Same here about not taking meds lol. I hope I didn’t sound offensive, these are things I’ve had to tell myself countless times.

Hahaha I hope I didn’t offend anyone. I can’t tell if you’re being sincere or have impeccable sarcasm far superior to mine

I know SZ is tough but when you’re able to you need to control it and try to live a full life. It is possible. You may not be a social butterfly free of all suffering but it’s very possible with a few small changes to live alot more pain free

It’s a lot about putting in work to become functional. You can’t just wait for it. Some people take a long time to realise that.
Everyone starts somewhere. You just gotta get started.


Same here. I hope I didn’t offend anyone here. Like I always say these are things I tell myself as well to get my ass in gear.

I’m saying meds aren’t going to make anyone’s life blissful and fulfilling. They provide support and Relief enough for people to strive for better.

We will probably always suffer. But why suffer with an empty plate? Why not go out and get the things that will make you feel atleast a little bit more satisfied? The less space you give your illness in your mind the less it will effect you.

Why sit on your front porch if you’re just gonna stare back into your house?

Self Discipline and determination is how you make changes.

I agree. I hope I didn’t come off as rude. I have wasted alot of time looking for an easier “day” to try myself and still struggle daily but you can distance yourself from your past and your illness.

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If we thought taking a pill or an injection to the butt would make us millionairs a lot more of us would be med compliant.

That’s my two cents

I’m not saying meds are bad. But they are not “liquid motivation”.

All I’m saying is take your meds, get up in the morning and try to accomplish things in real world.

It’s like this : I have to take the trash out
I could not think about it and just take the trash out and come right back inside OR

I could be like: the neighbors are gonna stare at me

  • they will talk about me, laugh at me, etc…*

it’s too hot, It’s too dark, I’m tired

That type of thinking totally zaps motivation and drive.
Get ■■■■ done and don’t care so much about the stuff you can’t change. And the stuff you can change can be changed by simply changing g the way you think overtime.

Yes may be but scientists are not fool to be to treat schizophrenia.

Yes but alot of what people with SZ suffer from are the thought processes and actions and a general sense of burn out on normal life.

With that mindset it is impossible to get better and to grow at all. Too many people spend every waking moment ovserving and treating symptoms but if they had a healthy routine and worked on adjusting to life and not fighting it so much and didn’t look at theirself as a worthless blob they wouldn’t be one.
We neglect ourself and our own happiness holding onto the things that have no meaning in life.

I’m just glad I can see the bigger picture. It doenst make it any easier it just makes it possible to get better

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Yes your words applied to me generally, but I look it at common patients interest.