Meditation question

Does anybody feel down after meditation? Like it just started happening to me a couple of weeks ago. I’m in a good slightly manic mood and I meditate for 39 min and a few times in the last couple of weeks it just tanked my mood.

Maybe it’s other factors I’m not seeing but it’s happened a few times now .


Depends if you are attentive in your meditation or concentrative in your method?

If you are concentrating and blocking out thoughts then you are most likely mentally exhausted from meditating.

If on the other hand you are attentive to what you are thinking, accepting, seeking out your thoughts to their end and seeing where it goes next then it is a breeze…

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Fish brain reading this, doh

I don’t know, but I had an experience with meditation where things got worse for a period before they started getting better.


Yea… I just started doing longer meditations but when I did longer ones in the past this didn’t happen…

I’m gonna give it a couple of weeks.

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What u talkin bout ducky :duck::rofl:

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Well i was gonna comment but my brain turned a bit fried like a cod :joy:

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I’m fried so I would have understood lol

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Right pair we are :joy: :joy:

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It’s hard for me to meditate effectively, but when you do, it’s very beneficial. Maybe you weren’t in the right frame of mind.

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@AKendrick what kind of meditation are you doing, like focusing on breath? I just meditated today, I think I’m gonna do it a bit every day, or try to. Nothing extreme but just sitting still and noticing sensation for a few minutes. I did a lot of meditation 11 years ago and it pulled me out of a depression, but then I stopped and my life went bad. I wish I would have just continued on that path…

I just concentrate on the breath. I follow thich nhat hanh for the most part but still on the fence if I want to actually practice.

Also lately I’ve been doing it every day mostly

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Just did 30 min. Feeling a lot calmer but it bothers me that I can’t go deeper anymore.

Still a bunch of thoughts in my head… Not really still

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Was in a lousy mood and did 10 minutes to try to reset myself, it kind of worked.

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Yea…I’m finding for me it’s like 30 min to reset :worried:

Maybe you just need some coffee bro

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Netflix has a headspace thing that does meditation etc

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@AKendrick your music that I listened to that you shared puts me in a meditative state that I really enjoy. I enjoy your music as very relaxing and I meditate to the things I want to accomplish. I listen to Smooth Jazz and your music is very similar.


Thanks bro… needed that encouragement this morning :pray:t5:

Hope your doing well man

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Thanks, all is well. How is your racing game coming along? Weren’t you working on something like that?

It’s going well man. Lot of work tho

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