I’m trapped Idk what to do. I have anti-psychotic induced anhedonia. This is when the psychiatric meds I’m on take away my libido, emotions, enjoyment, pleasure on and on. I listen to music and feel nothing. I read a book or a magazine and don’t retain it usually. I eat food and don’t enjoy most of the time. Idk what to do. I’ve tried med after med and therapy after therapy with no avail. Help me I don’t want this to be my life forever.
We’re in this together brother. We’ve all gone through a lot of suffering, that’s the nature of the beast with antipsychotics. I hear that they stop chemicals that give pleasure and cognition to stop psychosis. I’ve been on meds now for 14 years and have tried many meds that just didn’t work for me. It wasn’t until recently that I’ve found a med that works for me.
I have very little paranoia/voices and the bad thoughts are manageable now but there are downsides just like any other anti psyche med. I have bad acne, have little drive to work or shower, no appetite, my mind is slow and I have no attention span. You’re not alone.
what med do u take now?
Im not sure if your replying to me or op but I’m taking the risperidone shot(persaris). It’s 1500$ a month but my insurance covers it. It’s really a game changer for me.
cool. i was asking u. i was looking at that one shot. and uzedy which is also a risperidone shot. the shots have come a long way since i was on one. back in 2010 it was risperdal consta every 2 weeks and that shot sucked.
I had lack of motivation, lack of pleasure, and no energy. I had cognitive symptoms. You might want to try supplements. It’s more of a band-aid than anything. It doesn’t cure anything, but it might help.
I had this before, but switching meds helped. There are also some decent supplements out there like L-tyrosine, L-theanine, and Lion’s Mane.
I had this when I was on the Invega shot monthly. Worst 10 months of my life
Perseris is a subcutaneous shot meaning they inject it under your skin instead of in the muscle. It’s a new method and might work more efficiently than intramuscular. It’s working wonders for me but each person is different. I forgot to mention that I’m losing weight because of the lack of appetite. I’m down 10 pounds in 2 months which is great. You can find the side effects list here: Perseris Side Effects: Common, Severe, Long Term
I did I little bit of research on intramuscular risperidone versus the subcutaneous version and the trials gave this conclusion: “The novel delivery of risperidone-SQ may provide substantial benefits over the currently available IM administration.” You can find the whole trial here: Once-Monthly Subcutaneously Administered Risperidone in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: Patient Considerations - PMC. And just to add…the shot burns very badly so just know that if you do go and get it.
yeah its really cool they can do that now. uzedy is just under the skin too. risperdal consta was a big fat muscle needle because the shot had beads in it. it hurt and it sucked.
thats really cool ur losing weight on it. i think the shots cause less weight problems. idk why. but my appetite went up more on the risperdal pills than on the risperdal consta
I gained tons of weight on the invega shot 12 years ago. Went from 230 to 305 in 6 months. Couldn’t even bend over to tie my shoes. Since then I’ve lost 65 lbs and it’s been a slow crawl to lose weight but hopefully I will get down to a healthy weight here sooner than later.
Which supplements would you recommend?
What do those supplements do?
When you say it worked wonders what do you mean specifically?
All my symptoms have significantly improved. Voices, paranoia, bad thoughts, anxiety are all very good atm. I can go into public places and not think everyone is talking negatively about me. I’m finally finding relief from my symptoms.
I’m currently experiencing amhedonia from the invega monthly shot too. I just want to ask did things get better for you? And if so, how?
Things didn’t improve until after I got off Invega
Spokey. I want to be totally hornest to you cause you deserve that.
I know what I have to tell you now will upset you but I just dont want to lie to you.
Im an old veteran user of antipsychotics.
When you take an antipsychotic it switch off the psychotic centers. But the meds are quite unprecise so that some of the healthy centers get switch off aswell.
So you experience that the psychosis gets wiped out while you feel anhedonic, flat and amotivated.
So you exchange your psychosis with negative and cognitive symptoms.
Im now finally on the road of recovery and will finally drop the qutiapine in a couple of week but will stay on my long acting antipsychotic forever.
Did music sound good again after you came off it?