Medical Advice

Guys. Come on. I’ve not met a single mental health professional on this site. This forum’s members are not doctors. This forum’s mods are not doctors. This forum’s creator is not a doctor (as far as I’m aware). The medication section has a function; What side effects did you get from this new med I might try? Has this med lessened your negative symptoms? How much symptom relief did you get from this med!?

However, the medication section is not an appropriate place to ask where you can get supplements or if a certain drug or supplement is safe with your meds.

Do we know whether this herb will lessen your paranoia and anxiety without having a dangerous reaction with your current meds? NO! No we do not. I don’t care what “advice” you read on the forum. You don’t need to be taking anything unless you’ve discussed each individual drug that you want to supplement with your pdoc, who has given you the okay.


I agree, we are not doctors. But we are good examples.


I have a doc appointment this Friday, going to ask him to increase by abilify dose and put me on Cymbalta

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Totally agree. Doctors orders, but love has no bounds.

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But… but… Invega shrinks wee wees.


I agree we are not doctors and shouldn’t treat each other as such!

On the other hand I find that people should think and feel and research for themselves. I think neither forum members nor doctors should be blindly followed when it comes to medical advice.


I agree, my case manager couldn’t even tell me if I can take Benadryl! The most she told me was lavender tea. Pdocs are pdocs for a reason

Please flag such posts.

Yes i agree, we are not doctors…
But, i thought that was the point of this forum, where we can throw ideas around to help each other.
I just figured it was assumed people would try to talk to their docs before switching to something new.
This is a serious disorder and can be very stressful. We need to reach out to someone when our doctors are making us pull our hair out.
I just kicked one psy doctor to the curb and am trying to find another one. And yet because of it, they took my good counselor away from me, grr.
Sorry, i am not trying to be mean but i still want other sufferers input.

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