Instead of wondering why we got hurt and blaming ourselves for some lack, let’s just say life isn’t always fair and certainly wasn’t fair to us.
Yeah I agree. It could be worse and it could be better, the rest of upto how we see, deal and respond with whatever we have. Some of us can’t even use a forum or a computer bc we are still stuck in hospital with no light in sight, we are fortunate if we can see it.
I don’t know. I think it’s curable in the long run. I once told a guy schizophrenia is harder to cure than opening a wormhole and he said it’s not.
I had some really good experiences even when I was psychotic. Now I just gained a bunch of weight and don’t feel like doing anything so that sucks. I still wonder if I’m psychotic or the things I’m paranoid about (North Korea kidnapping me essentially is real). I’m slowly starting to get over it. Just am afraid that I could be wrong. I wish I could have a family sometimes and kids. I guess I still could but things are confusing with my family.
Life isn’t fair for 99% of people.
I mean, my mom always comes home with a story, like that of a family who seemed to have everything in order, until their son got sick.
I have a neuromuscular disease, and depression on top of that. Very unlucky genetics. I could pass this onto my kids, if I’m not careful. I’m in pain 24/7 and can’t walk normally. My knees don’t work.
But I’m just grateful that I didn’t end up being diagnosed with ALS. I’m grateful with what I have. I’m grateful for my family and friends, a bed to sleep on, with food on the table to eat. In a way, life isn’t fair in some aspects, but in some ways life has given me a lot of things.
No, its not fair, i have to bother with symptoms of sz. When i had a job i had to think and work kind of double, but i am on an early pension now and can recover.
life isn’t fair for sure… i think a lot of people have some sort of problem though.
Compared to now, life before schizophrenia was easy. I kind of regret going to school and smoking pot, but I feel ‘divine intervention’ or some crap. Like it happened in 1 day and then that’s that. The drugs, stress of school and stuff must have unleashed toxins and neurotransmitters in my brain and stuff in a perfect storm of things.
I strongly believe pot and drugs make me schizophrenic in every life in the universe. Must be some anomaly, soul consciousness reincarnation crap.
I don’t know if it was mk ultra monarch or what. Other stuff too from other lives or timelines and then the psychic realm giving me information.
I go crazy. I originally had schizophrenia in high school but the aliens changed it to college. I feel worse, but maybe it’s a blessing in disguise…
I think it’s a generational thing where my family and relativies were targeted through the generation. Maybe I have witches or warlocks or just Christian folk. I had a step-grandfather freemason which seems to cause all my issues even though he was a good man apparently and Christian and upstanding citizen…
My dad was abusive and had anger issues growing up and I get this ‘spyishness’ or paranoia about my stepfather who is smart and a genius. It never goes away.
He’s also very arrogant and suffers from short man syndrome and lies, is or was a narcissist in some ways and thinks he’s the smartest man in the room as well as the most moral Christian person in the world sometimes…he comes off as a fake and a ■■■■■■■.
My mom is in some ways more disabled than me but is a good person. Sort of ‘cultish’ when it comes to Christianity.
My views are I was targeted because of mk-ultra, monarch, bitcoin, john titor, and generational and past life incarnations by the government and illuminati and even grey aliens and demons. The illuminati could be the most rich and powerful people and families in the world, I guess. I don’t know. Banks and crap…
I had alien intervention my entire childhood where they were watching me and communicating with me and getting inside my head. A ■■■■■■■■ christian would say they’re demons or I’m demon possessed. I don’t know.
I know more about you now. By the way, what is a wormhole?
it’s a short cut through space and time. Time travel.
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