Maybe a new boyfriend?

We chatted all morning on Facebook. He lives in a neighboring city. We traded phone numbers. Now it’s wait and see if he calls back. He seems like a nice guy, so I hope he does.

Everyone else on this forum seems to have trouble meeting people. It makes me wonder why I’m so blessed.


Some of us don’t really have an interest in it. I have had the option in the recent past but I have no desire to have a girlfriend really. Sounds like a headache to me. :stuck_out_tongue:. That would require me to do activities with them, like going out and doing stuff, that I usually don’t feel like doing. Maybe sometime in the future I will feel more like it.


Yeah I don’t have any interest in having a girlfriend.
Too much work and drama.

No thanks.


I hope this love interest works out for you!


I have a bf of four years but I found it tough on the dating scene.


I can’t raise kids, I can barely take care of myself.


@Wave I’m neither work nor drama! I’m so offended at your post that you should totally buy me something nice and grovel on behalf of women everywhere!!!



Oh, I’m happily married. 20 years this May, since I was 18 years old. Before I got married, I brought my husband to one of my church’s services. It was a HUGE church in San Antonio. At the end of the service, they offered to have people pray with you if you had something on your mind, so I went to the front and spoke with a woman about my upcoming marriage and asked for her to pray with me. She prayed against making rash decisions too young. 20 years, biotch! How do you like that rash decision?!


Good luck, man! @anon54988740 I’m on a few dating sites, looking for a potential ladyfriend but I haven’t had any luck yet. Just gotta stick with it, I guess. Anyways, hopefully things work out for you


I had considered getting a boyfriend, but @anon9798425 is already spoken for.



I hear you @Happy_H
I was in a difficult marriage.
My ex wife created drama every second.

She was a sociopathic borderline.

But I understand that not all relationships are this way.

I didn’t mean to come across as sexist.

This was not my intention.

My apologies.


Thanks @Bowens @Wave @Blossom @anon25873142 @Aziz @Happy_H @Tulane @shutterbug

He texted me back at 2:44am. I guess I am going to see what happens. He wants me to get my driver’s license back though. I told him I would try.


Where’s your drivers license? Did you guys meet already?

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Oh no @Wave I’m pretty sure she was joking. Acting offended at the idea of being called work and drama, then proceeding to act as dramatic as possible and demanding you to work to make it up.

Going on 8 years with Mr. star, 5.5 of them married.


Thanks @Kxev. Not yet.

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I got the same type of reaction when I got married. We had dated a month, got engaged, then married all in 6 months. People said they didn’t give it 2 years. Well, 5 kids and 21 years later…


Thanks @anon4362788 @Ninjastar

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No we haven’t met yet. We just have each other’s pictures. We been texting a good bit of the day.

I voluntarily surrendered my driver’s license back in October 2020 when I was psychotic. I spoke to DMV this afternoon, and they said to bring in my ID card and tell them I want my driver’s license back. I’m going to go in tomorrow and see what happens.

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An update. He asked me to marry him, but I was concerned crappy credit he would inherent and getting a mortgage on a house. He’s going to sell his house in Kentucky and move here to be with me. So I think I’m probably going to get married anyway. I know it’s been fast. He’s Catholic and the Catholic Church doesn’t do gay marriages, but we will find one that will.

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Wait, he wants to marry you and you haven’t even met? It’s only been 1 day. That sounds sketchy.