i have been getting the max dose of invega sustenna for 2 years now i was wondering if anyone here has been reevaluted before and has got rediagnosed and changed meds before?
i have been getting the max dose of invega sustenna for 2 years now i was wondering if anyone here has been reevaluted before and has got rediagnosed and changed meds before?
Doctors will only claim that you are stable because you are in a med-induced form of consciousness and highly suggest you stay on that program “for life”.
I highly doubt they’d lower dosages, it’s against practice if they have developed an evidenced argument that you’re stable.
I, however, stood up & said enough was enough. The side effects were killing me and I missed having normal, drug-free health. I wrote an eloquent, 1-page notice that I was d/c’ing my AP’s permanently b/c I have rights. Stand your ground and say you have rights, it’s the last ditch thing to do if you’re dying to get off of meds; you do have a right to say what you can & cannot do with your health and body.
Have you talked about lowering the dose? I’m on Invega too, I was on 150, than 100, now I’m on 75. I feel the 75 dosage is the perfect one, I feel less symptomatic. Talk to your doctor about what he thinks about lowering the dosage. I read something about being a maintnance dosage on Invega.
Okay firstly
They want you on the lowest possible therapeutic dose
It’s been two years just ask
They will give you a lower dose to try
Take no heed of people saying you should be getting off them
The thing is you need them for life
Thinking ur cured for me did result in life changing depths of psychosis worse and longer than ever
Thanks guys for your opinions. I have been on 234mg this whole time I was getting it every 4 weeks but then they moved it up to every 3 weeks so I feel that the increase is making me feel normal. I don’t remember the last time I was psychotic or having an episode so to speak. But I think that a regular evaluation is fair and everyone should be able to get one. The psychologist that performs the evaluation is really old and I have sit in on his community support groups for mentally ill or disabled persons 2 or 3 times a long time ago and basically I just remember he was so old he didn’t have much cognitive ability left or u know what I mean. On another note my psychiatrist doesn’t seem to know me very well and I’m not sure how often he communicates to my counselor about me. And the counselor is just doing everything by the book and only by the book. If there was ever an urgent issued I would need to talk to him about I could call him and his phone line would be busy most of the time not 100 percent.
Also I feel like with me being 26 years old and not worked in 3 years and still living with parents that I might get sent to a state hospital after my parents pass because I can’t support myself financially. Of course that could change in 10 years.
I may just start a new thread about what’s on my mind now