Marilyn Monroe got rejected by Kennedy brothers

Her life is tragic but she was beautiful

she was used by the Kennedy’s. even slept with her…that’s the only thing I hold against JFK for cheating on Jackie.

Marilyn Monroe is my mothers favorite celebrity, and a gemini like me. Plus she has a great quote. So yeah I like her even though I don’t know much about her.

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the kennedy brothers treated her appaulingly. I think I heard said her mother was schizophrenic and she was always in mental hospital an she was always afraid of having it turned out she had mental illness.
I think she was very in need of support.

“Madness is genius, imperfection is beauty, and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than totally boring” was the quote I liked by her

Rumor is that her death was not really a suicide as most people claim. Rumor is that the Kennedy’s had her killed to stop her from talking about their affairs with her.

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