How Marilyn Monroe's Childhood Was Disrupted by Her Mother's Paranoid Schizophrenia


That’s sad. My mom has borderline Schizophrenic and I didn’t have much of a childhood either. Now I have it. But I do connect with my girls, so that’s good.


It might have said it in the article already but it bears repeating.

The first thing many people associate with the name Marilyn Monroe is being a sex symbol or a dumb blonde. Actually she was intelligent and a very talented actress and comedienne. She was sexy, no doubt about it but she was also shrewd. Another interesting fact is that she was the very first “Playmate of the Month” in Hugh Hefner’s new men’s magazine, Playboy. They called it something else though I believe, like “Sweetheart of the Month” or something like that until they changed it.

The infamous fact about Marilyn that most know is that she slept with both Kennedy brothers, JFK and Bobby.

Also, the thing back during the 50’s and 60’s is that in that time the press and the presidency had a very different relationship than it is today. The press knew generally that JFK was sleeping around but they tried to hide it and make sure it never got in the papers. They worked with the White House to hide potentially damaging stories.
It’s a lot different now in our era when half the presses job is to dig up dirt on politicians and other celebs and publish every detail.


I read a book about her. She was married like 3 times I think :thinking:. She probably just wanted love like everyone else. I used to say that if my husband cheated on me it’s over but human beings are weak (talking about jfk)

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Yeah. It must be hard to be world famous and wildly successful at your chosen career but for all your money, power and fame you still have to face all the human frailties’ and coldness of life.

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I read about her not about her intelligence. But I just wonder what she was really like. Was she kind? Funny?

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