While vitamin B deficiency can cause psychotic symptoms this isn’t what caused my psychoses. I’ve always believed it was marijuana. This was before I read about it. New studies show that people with the genes who do substance abuse (especially marijuana) and have acute psychoses induced by the drugs have a high degree of probability that they will later develop chronic psychoses after being off the drugs. This is what happened to me when I had my psychotic break with reality. I had all my B-vitamins and was sober. The ego built and built until I snapped. The self-conscious fears and shame turned into phobias and paranoia until I snapped and was at the center of the universe with everything revolving around me. Here’s the 2018 article in “Psychology Today”:
Acute Marijuana-Induced Psychosis May Predict Future Illness
While psychoses on marijuana is more likely to develop into chronic psychoses the article also lists alcohol, opioids, cannabis, sedatives, cocaine, amphetamines, and/or hallucinogens. I’ve done all them and experienced psychoses on all of them.
When the investigators compared this group with a large group of appropriately matched controls, they found a striking increase in the development of either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in those who had experienced acute psychotic episodes after taking alcohol, opioids, cannabis, sedatives, cocaine, amphetamines, and/or hallucinogens. The most dramatic increases by far occurred in those who exhibited psychotic symptoms following marijuana use.
While I believe marijuana can be a contributing cause of schizoaffective psychoses there are other things that can cause it in people.