Manic today and it’s not the good kind

Feeling high and on edge.
Very irritable and flirting with the idea of becoming a bit violent. (Anger)

WTF that’s Lamictal for you.

Making me manic.

If this continues throughout the day I’m going to have to contact my psychiatrist.

This sucks.

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I’d call your pdoc immediately if you’re having violent thoughts.


sorry to hear @Wave

lift something heavy over and over, something resistant, tension.


Do you or a neighbor have a punchbag that you can abuse in times like these?


@LilyoftheValley @Andrey @Daze No I’m not having really bad violent thoughts.
Just was very irritated for a while.
Just on the high side of things currently.

Hopefully I’ll settle down.

If not I’ll contact my doctor.

Thanks for your concerns


I’m so glad to hear that. I hope you feel better soon


Thanks @LilyoftheValley 155


This morning it was hypomania and now it’s depression.
I contacted my doctor.
So tired of this!

Geez Wave, you are having a real hard time getting stable. It seems like you have been posting similar threads about how bad your mood is for weeks. Hope you get better soon.

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Yes it’s so frustrating @Bowens.
I should have never stopped taking the Depakote months ago.

My fathers declining health and dealing with a sick puppy doesn’t help matters.

After she gets better health wise we are having discussions about possibly rehoming her.

I want her to go to a nice family with kids or other dogs.

She’s just too much for me to handle.

I’m not getting stable.

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Thanks by the way @Bowens

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How is your dog too much for you to handle? Im just curious, not judging you for possibly rehoming her @Wave

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She is a lot of work and I am not well enough mentally or physically to properly give her what she needs.
And my fathers health is deteriorating fast.

It’s not fair to the puppy.

There are a couple of family members who may be interested in adopting her.



I would encourage you to get an older, more established dog, who is quiet and well trained. There are lots of senior dogs that need homes.


Sorry to hear that, Wave. How old is he?

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87 @Andrey

Well grandma is 89 now and bedridden. Her eye sight has deteriorated too. Mom takes good care of her but the end is getting near.
I dread the day my parents will no longer be able. I want to be there for them but whether I’ll be capable of supporting them both financially and physically is a big question mark. I don’t want to let them down.

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God bless 15555555


Good quality retirement homes here are expensive. Mom has a very low pension. Dad can’t provide for both of them AND me. So far I’ve been partially living off my own savings. Luckily my line of work is lucrative but since coming down with sz I’ve been on and off several jobs. Unemployed right now. It bothers me a lot.

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I’m so sorry to hear about your cycling moods @Wave . You know one big trigger for bipolar mood swings are things like high stress. Like stress in the form of a new and troublesome puppy, a deteriorating father, and a chronically physically and mentally ill self.

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