Feeling paranoid today

Had the thought that my roommate will retaliate by taking my dog to the animal shelter where they’d put her down probably because of her behavioral issues. I’m so attached to my dog, I don’t know what I’ll do qithout her.

On my way home there was 2 fire trucks some ambulances and cops down my street. I asked a fireman what happened because they were wrapping up, it was a small fire. Nothing to worry about but my brain instantly connected it to my earlier thought rat my roommate was going to take my animals to the shelter, because maybe the fire was a message.

Ugh I know this is irrational but I cant stop worrying about it.

I have my symptoms under control for the most part but some days kick my @$$


Oh I’m so sorry, paranoia is a horror, do you have a PRN you could take? My pdoc has given me 5mg Haldol for when things get really bad


No I don’t. I see my pdoc soon though I’ll ask for one

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Sorry you’re having the problems. but you don’t sound as bad as when you go off your medication.

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Hope you feel better soon @Moon.

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