I have zero attention span now. Movies are a no go. Tv is a no go. Reading is screwed. Man the day is long living like this.
I intend to go walking some time soon. At least the scenery changes and is healthy
I have zero attention span now. Movies are a no go. Tv is a no go. Reading is screwed. Man the day is long living like this.
I intend to go walking some time soon. At least the scenery changes and is healthy
Try b vitamins! They do help a lot with cognition. It’s okay if you have to re-read. I do that a lot. My husband reminds me that even if I have to do it a bunch of times it’s worth it. He has to do it too, and he doesn’t have schiz. It is healing to exercise and will help your cognition. Nature is great for the soul and mind. I find my attention span really varies. Some days it’s great, other days I struggle. Don’t give up on reading, it is really good for the mind. But I like your instinct of exercising, that might help you focus greater. I hope it does.
That’s the position I’m in. I listen to audiobooks to get around the fact I can’t read.
I don’t watch movies really. If I do I can only watch about 30 minutes at a time and then take a break.
I can’t read any books either. I can just fast read articles about computer components or Wikipedia a bit and its mostly pictures/graphs.
What I can still do is listening to music which I do all day everyday.
I struggle with this as well, especially with reading. It’s like there’s just way too much going on in my head. I’ll be reading and realize i have no idea what’s going on because my mind has jumped to any number of other things. It’s frustrating for sure.
I have a difficult time with focusing, this includes reading books and long articles.
I haven’t watched a movie in a while.
I had a period of time where I couldn’t read. As a voracious reader, this really made me sad. But one day, it came back. Was about a year or year and a half of no reading more than online posts.
I’m about 40 pages into a book. I don’t really enjoy reading. A book really has to pique my interest for me to read it. If the book isn’t interesting I can’t get through it. I think if you find something you really enjoy you’ll be able to read.
As far as what I do all day it’s mainly social media. My days fly by.
Went for a walk then came back and showered
Same here must be the medication. I cant concentrate on anything… realy sucks
Exercise is good. I’m back reading a couple of chapters minimum a day and it’s good. Took me a long time to get there but just started small with some simple goals. That was with everything in my life. Set little goals and tick them off as you get there…
Saying that. I still have problems with movies. I often have to watch in a couple of sittings…if there was an easy answer I wish I had it.
I hear you. It’s driving my partner up the walls as we can’t watch movies or tv shows together I can only manage short YT videos. I miss being able to read too.
It will be a revelation when they figure out how to treat negative symptoms…
Neurofeedback may help supposedly as it’s one of the things they can treat, but I’ve yet to try it for reading ability. My first session for reading is today, so wish me luck
Good luck!!! 15151515
It’s my greatest loss. I have published several (crime) novels in my country, some collections of poetry, and now i can read nothing.
But i will be back. Im interested in Buddhism and phenomenology and i am soon going to dive in, i can feel a craving for knowledge and depth
The main problem re reading for me is that it’s so one dimensional . That’s because of being unable to visualise characters and scenes.
I’m not sure if my inability to read long text is the result of my affliction or my medication.
Or perhaps phones and computers have sped up our minds so fast, that we now lack patience for even the most mundane of tasks.
I think its both, the illness and the med acting as one, I lose attention really fast, i have a short attention span, I watch little tv, find reading very difficult, books are so hard to read. i’ve been thinking of watching a bit more but it costs £140 for a tv license for a year.
I can watch tv, because it always runs in the background, sometimes I watch it. And I can watch couple youtube videos a day.
Since last year january I have insomnia and am practicaly unable to continue reading. I read a lot in 2018 and 2019. Since my insomnia my reading declined to few pages every couple weeks.
And my understanding of text did suffer a lot. Can’t remember characters and having trouble to understand who is talking what in the books.