Man, I am always so tired!

I spend most of my time crashed out on my couches.
I barely have the energy to walk for 10 minutes.

It constantly feels as I’m sleeping while being awake.

I noticed that it has gotten worse since raising my Depakote dose.

I’m going to tell her to lower my risperidone and Depakote doses.

I can’t live like this.


Meds are not everything you have to move to exercise you get tired becouse of bad lifestyle


Have you checked your vitamins and minerals? Just a thought. :thinking: Might be more than just the meds.

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@anon9798425 @anon48059102

I take a multivitamin everyday and have been eating healthier.

My fatigue has nothing to do with my lifestyle choices.

The med combo is way too sedating.

I will be talking to her about solutions.


I’m decreasing my dose tomorrow because I don’t have any symptoms. I hope it makes me feel less tired in the morning.


Yeah that’s my aim too @anon9798425.
Good luck!

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I’m exhausted right now. Can’t wait to get home from work to lay down.


I can relate. 30 mg of Haldol knocks me on my butt. My pdoc and I have already tried reducing it but even 25 mg brings back frequent breakthrough symptoms, so I’m stuck. Hopefully you can successfully lower your doses!

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On risperidone i was feeling as if living a constant bad dream. Heavy breathing and fast heart rate and light head and dizziness etc. Switching to Abilify took care of that.

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The only side effect I can still blame on abilify is some degree of metabolic syndrome (extra pounds).

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I remember getting the munchies on abilify… Now i’m on Haldol with no side effects.


I’m afraid of getting breakthrough symptoms also if I reduce my med dose.
But I cannot continue to live my life as a zombie either.

yes it really sounds like a med problem. High doses of anti psychotics will do that to you.

Hope you get it figured out… You can’t live sleeping all the time.

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I slept all day (9 am to 9 pm) and I’m still about to pass out at work.

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