Majority sz'nic hide ? Even after recovery

As in getting better with meds ? They hide them self so the symptoms don’t trigger.

Yeah, once I was on meds I was able to hide my symptoms so much better than when I was hit with my first psychotic episode.

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Yes I prefer to stay indoors and away from public. I can’t socialise as well as I used to and that too, I find alcohol is needed for me to socialise back then, now I don’t drink at all - I avoid it completely.

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Meds only do so much and I take a lower dose on purpose so I am able to work for a living, but at the cost of having ongoing positive symptoms. Crowds and the stress of people are triggers that make my positive symptoms worse, so I avoid unless necessary. When I do engage I plan ahead so that I can step out and take breaks as needed and not overload myself.


I wish I’d been able to hide it back when this all started

Everybody in my extended family knows

Plus the friends I had at the time who saw me fall apart and yet did nothing but continue taking drugs that was like pouring petrol on a fire

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Right now, if U met me in real life, U would never assume that I have SZ.


I mask so well that even my wife forgets I am mentally ill until it, er, becomes obvious.


I’m hibernating not hiding

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