Last month DSS messed up and closed our case instead of sending out recertification forms. They fixed it and then we went in to do a face to face recert.
Our food stamps were supposed to be deposited today, but when we checked, nothing.
So now we’re down to jack-all and no food stamps. It isn’t in pending status, either. The phone info will tell you if it is.
So now we took all our cash and paid the bills, got essentials, and I bought my one daughter 2 outfits because she really needed clothes. If we had known this then, we’d have held off and paid minimum on everything.
I’m sorry Zombie. Dealing with government agencies can be a pain and it’s a complete nightmare to try to fix stuff sometimes. They often are not very “customer” friendly.
I’m just so tired of their crud. Last month they rotally screwed upcand even medicaid was closed. Now this. We rely on the benefits. I only ever can buy just enough to scrape by with how high food prices are now. With no deposit, we’re going to be hurting until it gets resolved.
Oh no! That’s not good. Is there a food bank that is open soon you can go to? The Savation Army near us is open 5 days a week. You get only a little food because you can come everyday but every little bit helps. Also if you bring family members they can also each get food from there everyday. We had to do that before. Each kid got their own food.
ohhh no. how awful for you. and your family…so upset for you…I hear they are low on staff but that’s no excuse. some other friends I have are having trouble with food stamps too. hope it doesn’t happen to us.