I have been off my Risperidone for 2.5 months. I can’t lose weight unless I am off it. I have weighed 115 to 120 my whole life until 6 years ago when I got on Rsiperdal and gained 25 pounds. Later, I was hospitalized several times and got up to a high of 167!
I am so tired of being fat! and since I am not on Risperidone, I have a chance to lose weight and get back into my jeans! In 2018, I got back down to 124 and it was so nice to wear my old clothes. I started a low-carb diet 2 days ago and it is going OK. I crave carbs but that goes away after a week or so. I also went back to the gym 2 months ago and I am hoping to tone up.
Low carb and regular walking is the only way I’ve managed to lose weight. The issue is you have to stick to it. Once I got thin I stopped caring about the diet, and I gained it all back.
Im on low carb atm but I havn’t lost much weight.
I think even just brisk walking is worth doing along side the low carb. I really CBA with running etc - never really been into it. But getting out and moving is good for you even if walking takes much longer.
The issue I have with walking is I get so bored of doing the same routes over and over again. Im also lazy I guess
Sugar is the other obvious thing to stop eating. Try and replace your sweets/chocolate with fresh fruit instead.
Thanks for the replies:) Like I said, I got down to 124 in 2018 on low carb, then I shot right back up to 167 in the hospital when they pumped me full of drugs and food.
My prescriber knows I am off medicine and wants me to take it. I feel so brain dead and fat when I am on it. So far, I haven’t had a worsening of my delusion since I have been off it. If I start feeling ‘crazy’, I will take it.
I’m trying my best to stay away from carbs. I love them, but they do me no good. A friend of mine was on the keto diet for a while, it puts you into ketosis which burns the fat. It’s basically meat and vegetables
the idea that There is something called a carb is crazy
Lumps in all the healthy foods you can think of with refined sugar
there is nothing wrong with high ‘carbohydrates’ in fact the healthy option is a diet mostly of unprocessed ‘carbs’
calories aren’t even a good measurement
it’s just how long a few molecules burn in bc an experiment
you can eat more calories and lose weight on a plant based diet
Low protein is less cancer risk… Google wholefood plant-based very low sugar way of eating
There is actually no limit to how much natural fruit or vegetables you can eat… 39 portions a day isn’t too much, although this study recorded the heaviest stool ever measured in an experiment
the more of some things that you eat the healthier you are
Even the more recent paleo diet is based on The remains of some people who eat some limited animal products. Neglects to mention that the average death was way before 40
There was no time for them to die as a result of any meat they were eating…