I love all of you here,not good at expressing love but I hope you all feel me.I am leaving for Bangkok with three friends tomorrow,Its gonna be a Hella trip
Have a good one
good luck and enjoy the trip…
Very cool that you get to go.
Have fun!! c c c
@SurprisedJ will try to enjoy and hope I bring a bright mood there
@Lotus thanks
Have a safe trip!
Safety is defitnately our priority,thanks
Eat a scorpion for me.
I always wanted to do that.
I value traveling beause it broadens me in ways I want to be broadened.
What are you going to do in Bangkok? (Just wonderin’, 'cause it’s a place in which one get pretty crazy.)
I’d recommend you head to the Thailand beaches instead - much lower stress and more enjoyable than Bangkok. Just lots of traffic and cars and people and pavement in Bangkok.
And other “commodities.”
and an awesome metropolis?
Yea,@szadmin will try to get there
Go to koh samui or phuket island
Have a good trip. Be safe and have fun.
HAve an amazing trip
Have fun, bro! Bangkok sounds like a place where…wait this is inappropriate.
Lol,didn’t get any yet