Love life and career with sz

You have to fight to get recovery. It doesn’t just happen.

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I did look at the selfie tread, there a lot of good looking people on this forum site.

Yes ofcourse good looking. Isn’t it. But what they are doing is also matter.

Yes you are right @anon4362788 . But I think nobody knows the recovery path in schizophrenia disease. Your fight may lands to more disaster.

Love life is difficult to ascertain bc most people keep it private. As for careers. Most recovered sz patients dont usually have an account on this website. I know three sz patients in my area (UK) who are working full time, ones a law firm assistant, ones a labourer and another was in some form of office job (kind of career im not awere of bc i never really asked)

I think it takes time to muster the strength to go back to work, and working environment as well as supportive social environment play a big part in it.

Studies definitely show, people with regular therapy and reasonable adjustments fare much better at keeping their employment but not all areas nationally and internationally have a good level of this kind of support

Hope this wasnt too negative a take.

Yeah, I don’t think so. Working on getting better doesn’t lead to bad things. Improving one’s life is generally good across the board.


Yes ofcourse. But I know the forum members who are taking weeds to get better. It happens all over.

I would like a love life. People are always interfering and want to pick out a stalker for you.

What in the world does that have to do with fighting to recover?

I met my husband online about a year and a half after I was diagnosed.

We got married after 3 years, had a child a year later and now we’ve been together for a total of 6 years.

It’s possible to find someone and have children. I thought after I was diagnosed I’d never have a husband or child.

Edit: I’ve had multiple jobs since, just haven’t been able to stay at any…. I’ve accepted my role as a stay at home mom and wife


I will be alone forever and I am now okay with that

Yes, its better word for fight is " to win". But in schizophrenia, at least " recovery" is a win. Don’t go with words manipulating. How many times I cleared to you.
If ofcourse if recovery has nothing to fight. Than why @shutterbug recommend it.

Honestly, it would just be nice to have tea and talk about things that aren’t stalkers and such. Do you like art or literature, or photography?

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Yes, but usually under extreme duress. I don’t usually talk about personal things in conversation.

I’m just burned out from talking about negative things. It’s nice to talk about positive things for a change.

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Schizophrenia is a relentless illness. It’s a war with new battles every day. You only survive the war if you are more relentless than the illness and keep pushing back.

Well, when you say recovery, sounds like just sitting in bed doing nothing and take your meds. It is missleading. I know that most of the meds will make you feel to do just that. Maybe fight is not the best word for it, but for sure it takes some will in order to start doing things. The fact you have to overcome what your body desires, I call that fight, it is easier. We all know side effects from some meds and those are hard or impossible to fight. It is an internal battle where meds win in time. They give something,but take something else.

And that fight is different for each person, different conditions, different medications.

Those recovered sz i guess they have mild medications and symptoms. They are a bit more lucky.

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My man, “fight” is used in metaphorical sense not literal physical fights.

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Infact I know that schizophrenia is a mental dieses and related to brain. And every patient learn to handle it. Because function of brain is to learn, If you have hope and faith and also some presence of mind. To hand over in front of psychiatrist is good but not a recovery. Psychiatrist if protect you from positive symptoms but then turns you into negatives.

Hello , i work in surgical theatres , just got excepted into uni for paramedicine . So yeah career going in a good direction. As for love life , took a knock whilst being diagnosed with schizoprenia last year but on the mend. Medication helps , takes a while to over come the psychoses, abit like ptsd , but onward and upwards :grinning:. Dont give up , learn to improve yourself , forget what others say or if they judge you, focus on whatbyou can improve yourself, mind and body, the fact that youve recovered from psychosis shows just how strong you are. Take care of yourself !