I think love itself is a psychotic state for people. Symptoms of psychosis and love are similar. That is why I think being in love can increase psychosis for schizophrenics.
I have the same problem. It seems since I developed the illness, whenever I fall in love it is toxic to me. I hope I just haven’t met the right person yet.
What makes you think love is a psychotic state? The euphoria maybe, or perhaps a form of biased reasoning. But compared to my psychoses there are important differences as well. When psychotic, I tend to isolate myself from others, either because I don’t feel like socializing or because I’m way too busy with all the weird stuff that is going on in my mind. When I was in love this was quite different, I was very open to people, ready to start conversations with anyone and very much directed at the world rather than at my own thoughts. These attitudes towards others seem to me to be quite opposing ones. In fact I think that the social withdrawal is a key symptom of (my) schizophrenia. That’s why I think that being in love would actually be benificial for my symptoms.
You know, psychosis and schizophrenia are different. A psychotic experience do not necessarily involves schizophrenic symptoms. You are talking about negative symptoms of schizophrenia, not psychosis.
Love may decrease our negative symptoms but in the same time it increases positive symptoms. Like cannabis. In turn, the increase of positive symptoms can affect the negative symptoms negatively. It is a vicious cycle.
That’s right I was talking about the whole schizophrenic experience since that’s what I am familiar with… so yes that includes the negative symptoms. I agree with you that the positives can affect the negatives - but I also think the converse holds.
I think love is a powerful motivator. I’ve done a lot of things in the name of love that I wouldn’t normally do.
For me… psychosis came first… and I think that certain forms of love can be stabilizing. I love my family… and it motivated me to try to get better.
The type of love I have for my girlfriend… that sometimes motivates me to be a little more daring.
I enjoy the euphoric feeling of love. If it is a psychotic state… viva amour
Love is a poison. I’ve seen what it does to people. Ruin
Love is the only thing that matters. All the rest is BS.
Yeah… I’m beginning to realize that I can’t handle love or being loved. It’s either too good to rationalize after being alone so long or I end up ranting about my psychosis to the degree that it is unfair.
Girl was crying for me last night. I don’t want to do that to people.
I think a month into a love endeavor I’d probably get the hang of it. It would just be a pretty rough month.
I’d prefer to be in love then psychotic though.
Moved to Unusual Beliefs.
(Wearing moderator hat)
Watching New Love as It Sears the Brain
If I Could Just Stop Loving You: Anti-Love Biotechnology and the Ethics of a Chemical Breakup
Yup. Gotta agree with you, as well as with those who see it as a matter of degree. The neurochemistry and physiology of romantic love seem to have evolved (in Darwinian fashion) to support coupling and bonding for the sake of procreation and child-rearing. And evolution doesn’t give a flying #### about the consequences for those on the outskirts of tolerance for such “stress” on their more delicate limbic systems.
I am cyclothymic / bipolar II, for example. (No; you couldn’t tell.) Romance is invariably a rocket ship blast-off followed by a nosedive into the dirt because my limbic system is way over-sensitive to such forms of stimulation, over-produces oxytocin (and other enkephelins), sets off my autonomic nervous system into sympathetic pitch, inducing floods of cortisol, CRF, ACTH and adrenaline, as well as (in earlier life, not so much now) testosterone and dopamine.
Too much of a good thing is not a good thing (for me, anyway).
If I pay attention (by observing to notice to recognize to acknowledge to accept to own to appreciate what’s actually happening) to the wild ideas, as well as to the hormonal tides, I am less likely to be “Swept Away” (more or less as happened in that wonderful Italian cinema classic form the late '60s).
One may note, btw, that one of the dictionary synonyms for romance is “delusion.”
I think the right kind of love can decrease psychotic symptoms. Having someone else around to keep you grounded in reality helps. And the right person is willing to sit and go through experiences with you to say what is real and what isn’t. It doesn’t have to be romantic. Good friendships are a kind of love. But the bad kind of love isn’t really love at all. It’s just an addiction to emotional extremes, and that has definitely increased my psychotic symptoms in the past.
Yup. Too much of a good thing may not be. Especially when chemistry is involved.
If you replace the word with the sex. Yes.
Inhibitions: denied desires.
Sometimes they are shaped into culturally appropriate forms.
You know…
I don’t make love. I ■■■■…hard.
Horny housewives. incestuous temptations.
Father’s figure.
Oh the delightful humans mind.
i didnt lose my mind, it was mine to give away