Lost in thought

Do you ever think that you are lost in thought and others are present, in the present time but you are lost in another time and they can see you but you can’t see them. They are watching you. I’m not explaining it well. You are thinking you are one place but you are actually some place else with other people around looking at you and watching you. Does that make any sense? Have you ever had that?

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If I understood correctly, what you describe resembles my own experiences of dissociation when sharing a space with other people -particularly, people I don’t know that well. My head gets floaty and I feel myself hovering over the room.


I get that too, but this is more like you think their there but you don’t know their there, like another dimension

When it dawns on you that they might be there

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Yes i think you switch off your present reality and create another reality you can cope in.

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This happens a lot for me. My mind stops being present in the conversation and goes down some intrusive thought tangent, and I have no idea what the person is saying while that happens.

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I know the men are there watching me even when I can’t see them

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Why are the men watching you?

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i had the delusion i was a ghost once and it was a bit like you described, very scary

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That was one of my first experience with sz thinking. I couldnt shake the thought that I wasnt actually where I thought I was. That I was in a different dimension and others were watching me doing all these weird things because I thought j was here and not there.

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This really confuses me haha. @Leaf. I guess it is not something I’ve experienced

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They work for the gvt and are trying to get information on me.

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