Looking for a book to read

Edit. Any suggestions guys.

Iā€™m pretty sure zoloft had something to do with my pyschosis. I was also very depressed during my first full blown psychotic episode and was on it. Theres plenty of documentation that says antidepressants trigger or worsen mania.

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I changed the topic lol I figured I was talking about it too much.

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Oh you edited the thread lol sorry.

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Sorry yes I did. Need to talk about other things. Need to change focus.

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I donā€™t read books that much but if you like horror i sugest The Shining.


Technopoly by Neil Postman

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I just ordered four new books from Amazon:

  1. The Vindication of the Rights of Woman
  2. The Vindication of the Rights of Man
  3. The Second Sex
  4. The Masks of God- Creative Mythology

I am sssooooo excited to read them!!!

I finished my wonderful books, Wonderstruck, which was a very light, easy to read novel, and also my, The World of Marian Apparitions, book, which was delightful.

I am just now finishing up a book, The Masks of God- Occidental Mythology, which is very interesting to me as I love the subjects of: history, prehistory, anthropology, archeology and mythology. Pure pleasure!


The Kite Runner.


We just read some of that for my English class.


The last book I read was ā€˜The energy bookā€™. Basically a book about energy work.

Iā€™m a sucker for alternative medicine.


Kite runner is a really good book with a really good twist.

For op, Iā€™d recommend The Things They Carried by Tim Oā€™Brien.


I was in Goa, India when I read that book and it made be closer to the story.


How is Goa? I always wanted to go there. Their music scene is legendary and they literally have their own genre of techno called ā€œgoa tranceā€, which i am a fan of. It seems like it would be a good time, but idk, i know you party hard so you probably had a lot of fun :wink:


I used to go to some Goa parties with friends. But I found that people were simply using too much drugs. But I love the music.


Well @anon25873142 what subject matter are you interested in such as fiction or non-fiction and what subgenres?

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Yeah it feels almost extra-terrestrial. But there are a lot of drugs in all the techno scenes i think. One of the reasons i donā€™t go out and dance anymore is that i get tempted to smoke weed and i know i would be back deep in psychosis if i did it



I didnā€™t enjoy Goa maybe it was where I stayed.

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I donā€™t usually read but as long as the book isnā€™t too many pages I like shorter reads.

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