Har har dont laugh to hard its just a short clip i made !!!
Love the laid back bass line.
Really cool @anon39015889!
I wish i could record and publish it. You did a great job.
Haha hopefully i can finish it.
Thanks though folks
Out of tune, dude. Lol. Nice try
Lol yea man. Ill get it eventually lol
Impressive stuff !
Good stuff! 15
So are you playing guitar and bass over a drum track?
I played the bass and electric guitar and the drums were from my loop pedal.
Still figuring it all out man.
If I were in a band, I would definitely hire you as my bassist.
Haha thanks man, but im still learning how to use all these instruments and stuff.
Cheers though
How long have you been playing guitar?
On and off like a few years.
Im trying to learn as fast as i can.
Do u play guitar ?
Yeah, I started when I was 14, only play every week or 2 though.
Yea i find it hard to concentrate hey.
U must post some of your music i would like to hear
I havent got anything recoreded, I have a few riffs that I play about with, never really put it into practice, at least for about 8 years or so anyway.
I like!!! 15151
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