My first beat in a looong time

Hope ya missed em lol, cuz I think I might finally be back in this

Ive been so uninspired for so long I forgot what it felt like but I got the itch again

Lmk what you think!


I like it from first beat!
Like the bass line, very dynamic.
Sounds like movie theme, take it as compliment :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks @anon22846033 ! Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

The bass was a bit of an issue at first so I switched to an electric bass sampler and did a lot of mixing to get it right, so Im glad you noticed! You got a good ear

Yeah it kinda does sound a bit cinematic, I def tend to lean into that kinda music a lot. Compliment well received!

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I really like it!


Thanks @Moonbeam ! Im feeling pretty good about it


I want to ask about drum line, its electronic.
Maybe a bit harder?
As a musician…

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This one goes hard man love that bass line. And u chose the right rimshot/snare . What vst are you using for your bass line I like the drive that it has

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Sounded great @zwolfgang


@anon22846033 yeah the drums are all samples that I painted into a piano roll. Im not so great with the live sound but I do have tracks with that kinda flavor if youre into that!

@POET Thanks man! I used Kontakt Richenbacher Bass sampler and set it to the neck direct in preset. Then I used a plugin called ferricTDS to saturate it then some distortion with the a plugin called driver and finally some eq and compression. Ive done a lot of experimenting and Im very proud of that sound!

@Bowens thanks! I see youre a mod now, congrats :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Thank you!

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Keep us posted.
@lekkerhondje does great neurofunk


Will do! Yeah shes really talented! Shes got some great remixes and originals

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Sick great job man I need to experiment with some bass sounds bro…vital is my go to tho haha

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Go for it man! Vital is a sick synth but it kinda wonks out on my laptop and stretches beyond my screen so I cant use it without changing some display setting everytime I open it lol so I dont use it often

What kinda bass sounds you got? Im probably best at making basses when it comes to sound design

Dude click the vital logo on the screen and it will give you the option ofor resizing it … you can set it to 75% of regular size or something

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I love the intro, dude. Sounds like some nice classical guitar work

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:expressionless: You dont know how long Ive been googling “how to resize a plugin fl studio” trying to fix that shizz lmao

Shoulda googled “How to resize vital” I guess haha thanks man thats huge I can use vital now!

Thanks @Cragger! Yeah I like the intro too. I unfortunately dont have a classical guitar on me in my tiny ass apartment so I used a sampler. Sounds nice tho


Haha awesome bro yea some plug-ins are rediculous bro like I’ve downloaded plug-ins and literally cannot use them cuz the size of them. Thank GOD I didn’t buy them lol I can show yuu where to get some presets if you need to… also there’s some good tutorials online…


Glad you were able to make a track bro. Next track I make might be acoustic guitar


Thatd be great I could totally use some good presets! I already know how to use it (kinda sorta) but could always use a tutorial if it gets into the more advanced stuff that sets vital apart from other synths

:open_mouth: I cant wait to hear it definitely tag me! Acousitc guitar is amazing I cant wait to go home and play mine again