It really is an elaborate dream, isn’t it? What even is impossible? Is there any more?
They tell me yes, they show me in dreams awake and visions, is it a glimpse beyond? Or is it just another mistake?
Hard to believe sometimes, when you feel more, but can’t prove it. When nothing feels real, what do we turn to? What do we turn into?
The normal world seems so out of my touch, land scarred and gorges separated.
Traveler? Watcher? Messenger? I don’t know anymore. The soul feels old, perhaps more worn.
They still call me a prophet, still tell me to wake up. Still make deceitful promises, jealous spirits. They can’t let their hate go, it’s become the only thing binding their soul and energy.
takes morning pills
I take them because they change the world, least my perception of the world. Doesn’t take it away fully.
I will never be like them, I’ve gone to far. Maybe they fear that. Maybe I fear it too.
Rant over. Thank you for reading.