I’ve been told I have limited insight into my diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder. I flat out refuse to believe I have a mental illness as I believe I don’t. Anybody else been told they lack insight?
My mother has no insight, even if she takes 20mg olanzapine daily.
I’ve been told I have great insight, but I wasn’t always that way. It’s hard to accept that you have any MI, let alone something as complex as SZA. I recommend you get a journal to document your daily thoughts and happenings.
I wish you the best, @bobbilly. Be patient with yourself. You deserve THAT.
I’ve been told I have really good insight. I don’t know about all that.
you must be perfect then lol (sarcasm) sorry
Who? Lol I’m far from perfect except for my sexy body.
I lack insight sometimes, but so do psychiatrists. Prayer helps me.
I’ve been told at different times I have bad and good insight . The bad insight was because I thought there was more going on than the sz-a… That was seen as not accepting my diagnosis… Years later I was proved right.
they said i was non compliant with a total lack of insight in 2010
look at me now lol
I think they have secret folders on me.
I think I had some lack of insight early on. I always researched, doubted, and questioned things. But then I got a premonition or dream or something of being told I had schizophrenia so I started believing it. Imagine if God told you that you had schizophrenia and it had an impact on you. Mine wasn’t God but was past life stuff. I thought I remembered some past life stuff and it clicked finally. Like I was scared but truly believed it. But I don’t know. I question how I got it. I think I got something like schizo-affective disorder perhaps maybe even DID/MPD (if you can get it as an adult). It’s possible I got several things or even more than that now.
I don’t hallucinate so I’m blessed in that area. I’m still crazy but I think I was given schizophrenia in college by a bad drug trip and by severe trauma induced psychosis – both.
Furthmore, grey aliens tried making me insane several times and then curing it several times. It depends on the situation. I don’t like aliens. Maybe in my very first life a trillion + lifetimes ago I thought aliens were good and special but then they make us believe they are evil and stuff – the powers that be. I’m starting to doubt that narrative. I do think Christ protects me, but then I’m starting to believe my life was changed – for the better.
I have good insight until I become full blown psychotic.
Once I become psychotic I’ll have zero insight.
Pretty scary.
If you feel this way you can get your records from Patient information from your local trust.
As far as I know they have to give it to you unless there is a medical reason not too
My community nurse got all my folders (11 massive folders) from the NHS trust and I spend 4 hours reading through them with him at his office. Although I only got change to skim read most of them I did come away feeling that they are not hiding anything from me but these thoughts od erect folders are still there.
When I start to become ill , my insight is the very first thing to go.
I sometimes have insight but other times I don’t - usually when I’m doing well I begin to doubt I have sza. And when I’m psychotic I doubt it too. Only time I seem to have insight is when I’m mostly well with a few residual symptoms
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