Life is so hard. For Everyone. People are dropping like flies, how long can I go? I don’t work or have children or any responsibilities but taking care of myself and it’s almost too hard! I’m glad I’m entering the last quarter if I’m lucky. I still have a hard time facing death and want to have an afterlife but…I don’t know.
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Are you ill? Is that why you think about death?
Death lingers in the back of my mind, but I got it under control. It doesen’t surface often. Just have to live one day at a time. That’s all we can do.
I think that is what toughens you up, so that you’re not so easily distraught. People depend on you.
For me the key to a happier life is realistic expectations about other people, society, myself,…
I believe it was the philosopher Hobbes who said ‘life is nasty, brutish and short’
I hope things get easier for you soon.
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