Life gets so difficult

I am so stressed. I don’t have enough money to survive. I’m so scared.

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Can you get your family or ex husband to help out financially ?

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I hate asking but I may need to

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I’m getting rid of my cable

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Might be a good idea.

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I just want to cry.

I am so sorry for you. You seem like a great person and deserve better. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower:


Thank you! I just hate always being behind

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You still have your computer. That would be the last thing you should get rid of, because it gives you a connection to other people. There are a lot of people in your situation. Do you go to church? Maybe you could get help there. If you’re having trouble with food you should check to see what agencies there are near you that can offer assistance. Hang on. Things will get better.

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Thanks. I use my phone instead of a computer. I just need to pare down on things. Like cable TV. I really need to move but that’s not very easy

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I know what you mean. I have a hard time getting on the right track. Try to push yourself a little this time. Make yourself do it.

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I’m on a waiting list for an apartment for people with mental illnesses. But the wait is a long time.

I’m kind of looking at a public housing option myself. My brother, who is my legal guardian, isn’t enthusiastic. One of the problems is that there is a liquor store right between the public housing and the grocery store. I probably am not stable enough to move into public housing yet, but I would like to get there in time.

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I’m lucky enough to be staying with family that charges low low rent. I really wish you had some more cash, it ticks me off that there are a few hundred billionaires while so many of us go without basic necessities. If I was a superhero I’d be like the Superman version of Robin Hood, I’d reduce every billionaire to millionaires and redistribute that wealth amongst the needy. If someone did that, life on this planet would improve drastically.

Every billionaire needs to feel massive guilt all the time IMHO. Just give the money away to people who need it, nobody needs that much money, I don’t care if they earned it or not. Nobody becomes that rich without a large amount of luck in addition to other factors.

In the USA we have the option of moving to a cheaper state, although it would probably not be as progressive which would kinda suck… but there’s a wide variety of places to live available in all different ranges of cost of living. Not sure if that’s true of Canada.


Manitoba is one of the cheaper places to live in Canada. I am going to put my name in a few places. Most of them are apartments for people with mental illnesses or for 55+ residences. I’m 55 in just over 3 years so I need to start applying now.


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