I’m just sitting here thinking. Life isn’t bad I guess. But it sure seems like it blows sometimes. Here I sit. Feels like a weight on my chest. Hyperactive in the mind. Sad in the head. I feel like the Joker. Just consumed in this madness feeling.
Yeah everyone feels it. I think before tv was invented people would just sit around feeling it. You can get into some deep existential thoughts feeling the emptiness of life.
I don’t watch tv. I play video games but only like 30 mins to an hour a day. If that. Most of what I do is sit around wishing I felt excited about something. I’ve been really hating life recently.
What is a negative thought, something probably part of the mind body process of learning. You punish yourself in a way to make yourself learn. Sitting around bored and punishing yourself for it is kind of like not learning from your mistakes.
Life blows cause you suck. Also, they used to say. You can’t help but wonder if changes on your way. The less you stress yourself with the better your life will be. Just look into the future and tell me what you see. Say you gave up radio. Or that d*** television. Would life be a lot calmer Then and 3 speed transmission. So don’t grind the gears and you will find a smoother ride ahead. Postscript You might hope that family will change, but they never do. You can teach them better skills and how to lessen their stress as well. This will help both you and them. Life does blow.
I just think it sucks we have all this technology and no cure for our brain.
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