Life after being diagnosed with Sz

It’s amazing how I was one of the most confident self-assured individuals out there. I got that diagnosis of Sz and my confidence and attitude deteriorated. Why you may wonder. Well all the messages that I got from the clinician team was that I won’t be able to do much. And that I should go home and take my meds and be satisfied with just existing. And for the longest time I believed that. But once I found the right meds my life took off again as it should. I went back to work and started feeling good about myself for earning my own money and paying my own bills. I really believe that even though we get a Sz diagnosis that we can accomplish a lot in this world. Whether it’s going to school, working or volunteering we can do this thing called life. Just sitting around and doing nothing doesn’t lend itself to much of a recovery. The recovery process requires work too I"ve found. Lets rock!


Which med changed your life? And how many meds did you try?

I’ve tried two in my life. The first one zombied me out. It’s called Haldol. The one that worked is called Abilify. And it’s important to remember that meds work differently for each person. We all have different brains.

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Why do you always put your posts in the “creativity” section?

You’ve been asked not to do that, but you still do.

Maybe it’s fiction, @everhopeful ? :smirk:
Although I hope it’s real.

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This is the last time I move a post that is in the wrong category for you @simpjeff1. Continually posting in the wrong category is spamming and from now on I will just delete the stuff you carpet bomb Creativity with. Moved to DX’d - Sz/SzA where it is on topic.
