I just told the first person outside of family that I have sz and they told me today they can’t be friends with me anymore.
We only wrote to each other via email for the past 8 years. She was an older very heavy woman I had no attraction or interest towards, but we had very nice spiritual conversations. Something I rarely get to have.
I suppose you all have learned your lessons. Now I’m in the club!
I had over 200 facebook friends years back. I wasn’t popular, but I tried being everyone’s friend or fitting in at college…
I’ve hung out with 1-3 friends since I got sick. For the past 5-10 years, I had one friend stick with me. He stopped hanging out with me for some reason. It’s probably the best. I get stressed and paranoid. I think maybe I offended him, perhaps…not sure…
I’m very open with my condition. It’s an invisible illness for sure.
My entire family knows my condition. They are accomodating except my father who sort of supports me indirectly still.
Some people just can’t handle the stress or ‘heat’ lol!
Sorry that you experienced this. A true and great friend wouldn’t do this to you.
That sucks man.
I dont reveal that im sza unless theres a reason to. And even then, i say i have had issues with social anxiety usually.
I used to tell lots of people i knew years back. Never got treated any different or had to break off friendships. Ive been pretty lucky with that.
It’s strange to me that a person you never actually see in person would want to end the friendship over your diagnosis. If you saw each other in person it would make more sense, it’d be ■■■■■■ up but it would make more sense. I’m not exactly sure what she’s afraid of.
Thank you for this, @anon83704208
It means a lot, and I will for sure.
I come from a family line of genius with Sz and no common sense, and inherited those genes. Been concerned recently that when my mother does pass, I will be alone with no one to ask questions and bounce ideas off of.