People don’t want to be my friend because I have schizophrenia.
How to overcome the pain, considering that they have every right not to want to be my friend if I’m having such a condition and they don’t know how to deal with that.
People don’t want to be my friend because I have schizophrenia.
How to overcome the pain, considering that they have every right not to want to be my friend if I’m having such a condition and they don’t know how to deal with that.
Yeah I faced a lot of stigma when I was trying out that online dating shite.
Do you guys have clubhouses over there across the pond?
Or maybe you can volunteer at a charity shop?
I don’t open up to people. Maybe them knowing your sz is none of their business, just saying. At most I tell the ppl close to me I’m bipolar af. Ppl will judge regardless.
I dont tell anyone. I literally only have my family now. My only hope is that one day i will recover enough to never be called achziophrenic again, but idk
We do have clubhouses and we do have charities all of which I will take part in.
It is just so painful that ppl that mean a lot to me, I don’t know how to bond with them because of sz.
Perhaps I need to discover the same level of beauty in everyone even if it is not obvious to me right now.
I mean everyone is beautiful but I mean in terms of feeling the same level of ‘closeness’ in everyone idk if it is possible
Just dont tell them. Sometimes its easier that way.
Yeah, idk.
Maybe you need to smoke a funny cigarette and watch some Joe Bob.
(Just kidding, about the funny cigarette part at least).
@Turtle44 @MisterApple @LevelJ1
Yea keeping it a secret is a good option except that the secret is already out there so I feel the need to say. Lol.
I just won’t go into details. Cos it is flippin not exactly a fairy tale
Monte Thankyou i appreciate it
I will get back to this thread once I figure out a way to overcome the pain. Hopefully it has not been shut down by then.
You welcome ma’am.
I’m just being a typical silly-head, really.
Haha I love it.
Wish I could be a silly one too!!! Lol…
You could also just say your eccentric. People accept that word lol
I just tell people I have gas.
Random person: Why are you talking to yourself?
Me: Oh, I have gas.
Random person: Oh…okay.
I think the social issue you face is less about sz and more about depression. You see yourself as inherently bad. Kindness looks suspicious, because you don’t see any reason someone would be kind to you. You avoid people who show you kindness. You instead surround yourself with people who treat you badly, because it feels like what you deserve. And as a result, you keep having the idea that you are unloveable reinforced by jerks who don’t value you for the many good qualities you have.
It is a ■■■■ trap. Hard to break out of. But you are a good person who deserves good friends and you can have them. You just gotta find a way to handle the extreme anxiety and feelings of inferiority. Loyal friends do not allow people to speak badly of their friends. That includes the friends, themselves.
Even better, you can recover enough that people look at you as a functioning schizophrenic and go, “well that’s not so bad.”
Thanks for the suggestions I will respond to @LevelJ1 and @Ninjastar posts a bit later cos my thinking brain has gone to sleep.
What i dont get. Is how healthcare people act like its not bad, normies act like its death, and family are torn between what to think and say.
Because this affects self image, and you become confused yourself. And no longer know how to measure yourself in terms of functionality
Doom whatever happens
You da gas man. Filler up with premium booooiiiii