Legal problems

I am not sure if I should post this. One, it’s dark and disturbing and it might cause fear. And, two, it is about a news item that I saw on YouTube.

This police officer killed a man who was b/p. The man was not behaving erratically or anything. His family called the police, I believe to get him to go to the hospital. He was not being aggressive in the video. The police showed up at his door. He answered with a screwdriver in his hand and the police officers draw their weapons and point them at him. He raised his arms including the one with the screwdriver and moves toward the police officers. It did not seem to be an aggressive movement. From the video, it looked like he wanted to talk. The police react. They pull their triggers. He falls to the floor. The video did not say whether he made it.

This post is so messed up. I don’t know if it right to bring it up in this forum. It is really affecting me emotionally. I am sorry for sharing if it upsets people. I want to … I don’t know.


I think that reaction you have is very relatable. Maybe try to counter that video with funny videos or something that puts you in a good mood…


Dont watch those videos, theyre very triggering and are for twisted minds. Its not just mentally ill getting shot, its black people too. But go to the hood and kids get shot old ladies too, just not by cops but gangbangers.

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Yeah @Esm. You’re right. I can’t watch that stuff. It makes me scared, sad and lost all at the same time. I put on Billi Holiday music. I feel better but still too scared to go out.