Least likely to cause weight gain?

They need to discover a drug that doesn’t cause weight gain. What good is improved mental health, if you’re too physically disabled to do anything.

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I agree with you! Geodon and Abilify are supposed to be weight neutral, but I gained large amounts on both. I know it was the meds because I didn’t change my eating habits. I’ve lost all my Abilify weight, not by changing my eating at all either. Just getting it out of my system let the weight release. Now I’ve maintained my weight over the last 18 months on Haldol, but I still have the weight I gained on Geodon. frustrating.

I agree. I’m only on 1.5 mg of risperidone, which is a very small dose, and I gained 30 pounds. I can’t imagine how much I’d gain if I took any more.

Are you on another AP?
1.5mg of risperidone is below the effective dose range of 2mg.

No, but we’re going to increase it. Like you said, it’s not enough. It worked okay in the beginning—and I tend to report that I’m doing ok to avoid a higher dose—but it’s not anymore.

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Holy crap!!! That’s a lot of weight for such a small dose.

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