Learning to be thankful for what I have

Sometimes I get into bad habits of forgetting what I have in life and not remembering to be thankful for what I do have in life. I’ve tried to remember to be thankful for my good health, being in a supportive loving relationship, having a place to live, having good food, I think if I remember to be thankful for the little things that I do have I won’t be so obsessed with what I don’t have. Has anyone else had this problem of remembering to be thankful for what we have?


I have often been discontent with my lot in life because I didn’t have a girlfriend or a wife, a house in the best part of town, or even a car. But when I learned to better appreciate the fact that I have a loving family, have seen the mountains and the beach, have a good food supply, have not had a heart attack or stroke in spite of being obese, don’t appear to have diabetes at this point, and can sleep again I consider myself a lucky person.


Ya I’m obese too Blizzard too. I’m working on that now too. I’ve lost 11 pounds since January 1. I weigh 286 and hope to lose 5 pounds per week. Thanks for you feedback Blizzard. Being thankful for what we do have is so important like you said. Good luck in your life pursuits.

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Yes, I do. In AA we call it ‘an attitude of gratitude’. I don’t do nearly as well at maintaining mine as I should.


I like that. An attitude of gratitude. I’ve never heard that before. Thanks!

I used to say Thank you. and Alhamdulillah 5 times a day. :slight_smile:
For a year i think.

I did enjoy it and i felt gratitude and would cry tears of gratitude for things and loved ones and i gave daily thanks for my food and any thing i bought.

I still like to say thank you and be grateful.
That does not mean i dont want more things in life . I do want more but i still want to be grateful for who and all i am and for what i have.

Because ive been not in my body with my eons i forgive myself for not saying thank you.

I am not religious as such anymore.
But I still like to give thanks.
My Lord (not sure where I stand here)would understand what i say about my energy particles of who i am and how exhausted i get etc.
In olden days they said “my Lord” to the men and “my Lady” they had some nice mannerisms i think it seems.

I have been unwell a few times and understand i do not say thank you same way as i used to when i was religious.

I believe some who never say thank you could be thankful also…
Just cause they dont say it out loud doesnt mean they dont mean it…

I like that too. :slight_smile:

Appreciating someone as well.
A person can be appreciated for who and all they are even if they are not productive or work but it can be delight to just “see em around”. well to someone perhaps. :slight_smile:

A warm place to sleep. A little food to eat. And if I be so greatly blessed some medication to ease the torment.

How many that came before me for thousands of years would think I live like a King.

People often forget what they have. Only remember what they want.

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When things are bad I always say: “It could be worse, it could always be worse”

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Good sentence. We need to face what we have.

When I was younger I never wanted to get married or settle down. I even told my mom and her friends at a cookie party that I didn’t like contentment. It felt like failure to me but then I always was having some great idea how to make money or lose weight.

Now I am pretty content. Our trailer is paid for. I live in the country. New wallpaper is fun.We go to dinner once a week. I can spend my little bit of money I make freely. We have a good fun dog. Medication works.i keep a steady schedule.

Never wanted kids but I have a step daughter and a little nephew.

I live in an area with good public health, medical service, and a good food supply.

Right on Blizzard!