Could you tell me of your experiences with taking Latuda please? I am thinking of switching from Olanzapine to it.
Great med.
Very little side effects and little weight gain.
Great for psychotic depression as well.
It’s cleared me of disabling positives
It worked for about 18 months
Was on 148mg
The akasthsia was unable after a while and had to switch
Thats what Im hoping it will do for me
It’s been the best antipsychotics I been on. I use to take zyprexa and my positives were a little less but side effects were horrible. With latuda on the other hand the side effects are mild accept the restless stuff …also taking it at night is the best bet. When I took it in the day I had side effects but with taking it at night I barely noticed side effects.
It hasn’t completely gotten rid of my positives but they are way better in it. Thought broadcasting,OCD and mood are all somewhat better on high doses for me
Its good but can cause restless leg syndrome to flare up
its a great and potent antipsycotic i take it for about 2.6 years and i am stable on it while taking other works on all type of symptoms (positive, negative, cognition).the only noticeable side effect is myoclonus and weight gain.
I’ve been on latuda for eight years atleast I reckon .
At first I had unbearable jaw clenching.
My psychiatrist at the time prescribed Ativan for that and anxiety.
Eventually the jaw clenching thankfully went away because if it hadn’t I would have stopped taking it.
N that’s that!
I’m only on the low dose now.
Was previously on a higher dose.
Had real bd insomnia but had that all my life including my whole childhood.
Maybe give it a couple weeks to see how your body and being responds .
Best wishes!