I’ve been on Latuda for the past 8 months now and I’m doing fine. I still have absent mindedness and thought disorder.
I didn’t have this on Ability. Does anyone know if it’s worth the risk to change medication. Sometimes I get obsessed and move my mouth a little but I don’t talk out loud. Does anybody else have this? I’m starting therapy soon too. I can not listen to music like before too. I have too many thoughts.
I understand that. I’m 185lbs but should be 165lbs.
That’s partly why I tried Latuda…to lose weight. But the side effects were too much for me. I was missing work and feeling miserable. I’m back to normal now, but still have those added pounds.
I’m in line for a reassessment at The Royal Hospital here in town. I still might try switching to another med after the analysis. We’ll see.
Yes i have a thought disorder with Latuda. Maybe i should start sarcosine again. I don’t know. I’m pushing myself. Maybe i’m at my 60% right now. I was much better on Abilify but i had gambling problems and i gained about 40 pounds it’s just impossible to go back to it. I don’t know what my doc will say.
I get it through my doctor, she prescribes it and I pick it up at CVS. You might be able to get it on the web though. I forgot where you live - Canada right?
Awwwww. Hope you realize all your dreams Graphic design is a good career, only freelance. At least here in Canada. Otherwise you need to be an art director in the middle east. I changed several jobs in graphic design. Crazy deadlines and extreme detail orientation. I couldn’t do it. I wish I had a good recommendation for you. Maybe journalist would work out great for you, you could write articles for magazines.
I’m never becoming a freelance artist in any field of art … My Dad was a freelance architect for eight years and it made everyone miserable because work was so hard to find. I can understand why you gave up on freelance.
My uncle’s a journalist, although I don’t see myself being one. I mean I could do some volunteer reports for heavy metal news but that’s about it.
It’s strange having this illness and being expected by my family to find a good career regardless of my being on 200mg of meds per day.
Ahaha… just realized your profile pic was a real life sleepybug
I’ve been successfully freelancing for the past 4 years. Mainly online. I worked a couple places too but not worth it. So what you have something, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. You can havr a great career as long as you have your sanity.
Sometimes I get obsessed and move my mouth a little but I don’t talk out loud.
I also move my mouth and make weird facial expressions on Latuda. I have noticed it generally happens when I am tired, like when I wake up in the morning or feel really tired at night. I have also on occasion notice it happens when I drink coffee with my Latuda at night. I suspect it has something to do with the interactions between the two. I think I am gonna ask my psychiatrist next time I see him.